TC/UC 2008 - May 16 - Thomas Cup Semifinal - Day 6

Discussion in 'Thomas Cup / Uber Cup 2008' started by Qidong, May 14, 2008.

  1. Pemuda

    Pemuda Regular Member

    May 10, 2007
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    How good were Malaysia in hockey? We were once fourth in the world cup back in the 70s. Nations such as South Korea, Canada, Argentina, China, Belgium, NZ were easy pickings for Malaysia but now we count ourselves lucky not end up as punching bag against them.

    Other than hockey, we were also pretty decent in football back in the 60s - early 80s. South Korea respected us back then when our national team was feared in Asia. Now, South Korea have gone on to play in the WC while we are struggling to beat the likes of Cambodia, Laos etc. Now, our football is infested with match fixing.

    It is the same sad story in athletics too.

    Well, there you have it. Malaysia Boleh!
  2. llpjlau

    llpjlau Regular Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    so there needs to be massive reforms. lets do it.
  3. Pemuda

    Pemuda Regular Member

    May 10, 2007
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    Win the TC with WCH & HH as our 2nd & 3rd MS???!!:eek: Wait a minute, lets be clear here. We are talking about the TC not some Looney Tunes trophy.

    If BAM thinks that Malaysia has a chance to wrest the TC in Jakarta with WCH & HH, I believe we all know what happened in the semis. It was very painful watching WCH, I have said it earlier if it was a boxing match, the umpire would have stopped the bout after the 1st round! As for HH, let me put it this way, his sense of urgency is already legendary.

    So, with the TC done and dusted for Malaysia. What did we actually achieved in this campaign??? That we know HH is unreliable?? Or WCH is already past it?

    Our best shot in the TC lies in the future maybe if we had fielded our juniors in WCH & HH's slot, yes, our juniors may be beaten BUT at least they will leave Jakarta with the experience which we can put to good use in the future. This is what planning for the future is all about.

    The next campaign is in 2010, by then LCW will most probably be around as our 1 MS. Well, who will occupy our 2nd & 3rd MS? HH again?? :eek: Our production line is almost running dry because if we dont expose our juniors they will never make that breakthrough.

    We last won the TC in 92', now it is possible for us to go over 20 years. And that will be a pity for Malaysia.
  4. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    In Semi against China, the plan was Msia win 2 MD & 1 MS. THe focus was not on winning MS2 & MS3. This has already been confirmed by the coaches in press statements & covered in various posts here.

    Fuzzy pair was supposed to be MD1, with their fiery play yesterday, very possible to have beaten FU/Cai, whom they beat bf in China Open 2007, that time FUzzy werent so fiery.

    CTF/KKK was supposed to be MD2, stratch pair, ranked lower than FUzzy. Based on their form when facing Japan, should have no prob beating Nervy Guo/Xie. Too bad, CTF was down with fever/flu, LWW injured.

    Rexy said the plan wasnt to field TBH. Rexy also said it was TBH not playing well that caused the lost. TBH had lost of confidence ever since lost in WC 2007, this time will be another dent to his confidence.

    The reason for the lost was the lost of MD1(KKK/TBH) not the expected lost of MS3(Hafiz)

    As already stated by Weeyet, Hafiz has beaten Bao bao in ABC in April 2008 - Bao is ranked higher than CJ, Hafiz beat Bao just 1 mth ago. On paper, Hafiz definetely has higher chance of matching CJ than Arif. Hafiz on Semi got nervous & that's it.

    If Arif was fielded & already know will lose, Sports Minister & NSC & other decision makers will question - why send a rookie to play deciding tie, when know sure lose, if senior still got chance. If Hafiz played like he did when he beat Bao Bao, could have won, with CJ injured waist/back.
    If field rookie, no chance = coaches fault.
    Senior that did well 1 mth ago, flopped, player's fault, not BAM, senior got experience,

    Aiyyooo, BAM did the planning for future thingy in 2006, KBH lost thus causing Msia to lose to Denmark 2-3, KBH never recovered, till today it's still mentioned. "Putting experience to good use" ended up with KBH's career never taking off.

    Many, many, including CHeah Soon Kit questioned the wisdom of sending inexperienced Arif as 4th singles, and not experienced LTS - here again he mentioned KBH. THough Cheah is now with KLRC, he's experienced coach.

    Bringing & fielding inexperienced KBH in 2006 was considered a costly mistake, so they would not allow BAM to do that.

    Zakry/Fairuz although they are 1st timers, are experienced players at 25. Rexy field them also no choice, uncles both sick/injured
    Even the risk taker Rexy would not field, say, youngsters Lim Khim Wah/Mak Hee CHun if seniors are available.

    Next TC 2010, WCH already announce retiring - he himself said sorry for this 2008 one, he past his prime. Hafiz is considered out. TCS, Arif & hopefully Chong Wei Feng (beat CJ in India Open) will be promoted to senior squad aft OG 2008. Currently they're being sent to SS, GP Gold, GP same as seniors

    TCS was in SEA Games 2007 team but didnt play cos injured. CHan KB played, not up to standard yet.
  5. Pemuda

    Pemuda Regular Member

    May 10, 2007
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    Even though the plan was to win the 1MS & 2 MD in the semis against China, common sense will dictate that a plan is still a plan. But by fielding WCH, who is past his prime and a consistently unreliable HH, Malaysia have thrown away 2 valueable points even before the start of the semis. It dont allow Malaysia much room to maneuver, and true enough when our 1 MD broke down, we found ourselves bundled out.

    Whether HH have beaten BCL or not is another subject matter. When we look at consistency, we dont judge over one match i.e ABC. And do bear in mind the ABC was held in KL.

    Well, if being questioned by the Sports Minister and NSC is the main concern then I guess we wont be getting our hands on that TC in the near future. As such, I wont be surprised to see us going maybe over 30 years. It is sad to see BAM is manned by lackeys who neither have the courage nor foresight to do the right thing. Korea, who used to be behind us in terms of badminton is now playing in the TC final. Maybe we should learn a thing or two from them.
  6. llpjlau

    llpjlau Regular Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    reform is good. change everything for the better. start from the PM.
  7. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    It's goverment $$$$, of course Sports Minister has a say. NSC is BAM's boss, of course they have a say. The new Sports Minister calls BAM President almost everyday during TC/Uber to ask progress.

    Plan is of course plan, if not due to CTF illness % of Msia winning 3-2 quite high.

    LCW is only reliable MS, of course BAM knows that. Experienced MS, the rest not as good against CHina. What choice they have? Hafiz, LTS, Roslin, Sairol.

    By fielding rookie Arif or TCS, as mentioned by others = no chance =ok, maybe 3 %.
    By fielding Hafiz & WCH, what choice do they have ? = % is higher than rookie, maybe 20% for Hafiz. % still higher than rookie
    By fielding Lee TS, Roslin, Sairol ? got some chance = % higher than rookie.

    -> by fielding rookie = purposely setting oneself to lose in 2008. Senior at least got chance, rookie = no chance= waste of government $$$.

    Not say never happen before, they keep mentioning the costly mistake in 2006 with KBH. If Arif fielded, lost (which is expected), and if he never recover, become another KBH, BAM/Yap Kim Hock/Rashid Sidek will be blamed as never learning from KBH mistake, as being cruel to junior.

    Sending juniors = I already say, BAM did that with 2007 SEA Games, the juniors crumbled. If SEA Games they cannot handle, how to handle TC ?
    BAM do have boldness to send juniors, stage by stage, if not, might break the juniors spirit totally, even worst if they quit the sport after that.

    If dont want interfence from NSC & SPorts Minister, all players go to KLRC (which apparently pays better than BAM), all become privately funded, let Cheah Soon Kit train them.
  8. Pemuda

    Pemuda Regular Member

    May 10, 2007
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    ... and may I ask who put the government in power?? :rolleyes:

    And since its government's RM, it is ok la to send a WCH & HH?? :eek:

    How can Malaysia's % of winning is high when we gave away our 2 & 3 MS?? :eek: Thats two points! And in a best of 5 tie, giving away 2 points dont put your % of winning as high. Elementary arithmetic will tell you that.

    And lets stop kidding ourselves that Malaysia had a chance to win that TC. We dont have depth in our singles. Our best bet lies in the future thus we should have send some juniors to fill HH & WCH slot for them to gain experience. We are gonna get beaten anyway as such may as well get some experience so that we can mount a better challenge in the future.
  9. llpjlau

    llpjlau Regular Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Where else?
    the stupid people did. so i say we change the people as well. then the government can change. whatever, the government needs reform. from the top dog.
  10. koo_fan

    koo_fan Regular Member

    May 12, 2007
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    Shah Alam
    I guess we can all come back to one base point.Stop pointing fingers.Even if u are saying the truth.I could not see the outcomes.Help me out.

    Ok.Reform.But in what way?
    Bam set a clear target just before the tc.And it is semifinal.We gained it.
    Whatever the decisions made during the tour,we achieved the target.
    I bet olympic will be a better stage to do ur talks.

    U could not hope the best from others when u are not giving the best to them

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