Swiss Open Live Streaming

Discussion in 'German Open / All England / Swiss Open 2005' started by kwun, Mar 14, 2005.

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  1. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    BC Janitor
    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    Live streaming for Swiss Open

    the Swiss Open has always been one of the most web friendly open. badminton fans can always expect online and live scores as well as periodic photo updates. now the Swiss Open is going one step further by providing live web streaming of the matches. a big bow to the technology friendly Swiss Open and they should be a model for other tournaments as to how badminton tournament should embrace the latest in technology.

    here is the new item in the swiss open website:

    Live-Badminton in the internet

    [​IMG] It is the first time for the Badminton Swiss Open, that in cooperation with

    WebSmartWare AG, Switzerland and Frame International we produce and show live pictures of this years BSO matches. If you want to see and learn more about it, please return to this page: we will be soon online with our Live-Internet-Streaming!

  2. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    you might have forgotten to add the link, but may I add this link(It's not up yet). It says it'll start on Tuesday 3/15 at 12:00 PM Swiss(Switzerland) Time-(for those in USA interested in staying up and watching, it'll start later tonight/tomorrow early morning at 3 AM PST, 4 AM MST, 5 AM CST, 6 AM EST :..zzzzzz..:p
    Hope the server can handle all of us BCers..:p.

    And here are last year's winners:

    MS - Lin Dan
    WS - Gong Ruina
    MD - Fu/Cai
    WD - Gao/Huang
    XD - Kim/Ra

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