Smashing tactics

Discussion in 'Techniques / Training' started by david14700, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. airsteins

    airsteins Regular Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    This is quite a common incident, and quite a hard one to answer.

    It is dependant on how accurate and sharp your smash is.

    The trouble with smashing from the back of the court is that it gives your opponents a good opportunity to lift or drive to the opposite corner of the court, meaning that you will have to have very fast footwork to get there.
    However, if you have a very sharp smash, this is not quite such a bad problem, as they will have to lift, giving you lots of time to get there.

    If you chose to smash, and your oppnents blck the line, it is your partners duty to intercept, hopefully with a drive or tight net shot.

    The best shot from the back is a tight drop shot, which is still a very aggressive attacking shot, which will then set you up for your smash.

    Smashes down the middle are very useful too, although not really recommended from the far back corners. Middle court smashes are good if you are at the back, but not in the far corners. A smash down the middle often confuses your opponent.
    Line smashes tend to be winners, but depending on how you and your partner play, you can do it slightly different:

    My partner and I use the rotating method. When I normally smash from the back, my partner intercepts the shuttle at the net.
    However, if I play a smash from the right hand corner say, I will normally try to follow up quickly, left foot foward and drive back at my opponents. Thus, we return to a side to side formation.

    It is completely dependant on you and your partner, but for beginners to intermediates, it is best to practice a smash at the back, and your partner picks anything up at the net therafter.

    Hope this helps, and makes sense.
  2. jrmanu

    jrmanu Regular Member

    Nov 1, 2006
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    If you smash straight down the line you should go infront and cover the front if the suttle is pushed,and ur partner should move to near the centre so that if your opponent pushes it cross court to the back ur partner can take it . Do u understand i know it sounds complicated

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